Association of Ammunition Technicians

Website Accessibility


The Association of Ammunition Technicians is committed to website accessibility and this website has been built in line with accessibility best practice, and to meet the aims of the Level Two (AA) recommendations made by the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (version 1.0), and some of those from Level Three (AAA).

Creating and testing our sites for accessibility

To ensure that we consider both accessibility best practice and the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, we have created our own accessibility guidelines, and these are used in the design, development and ongoing maintenance of our websites. We regularly check the accessibility of our sites as part of an ongoing development process.

Accessibility challenges

As an innovative organisation we are always looking at new ways to enhance and develop our websites. As part of this we will ensure we continue to consider the accessibility of new features of our site as they are developed.


We always welcome feedback on the accessibility and usability of the site, so if you have any comments or issues with using our site please email us at

Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional
Valid CSS!